In late 2016, the Myanmar government began a series of violent attacks on the Rohingya, killing an estimate of 24,000 people.
Have fled to Bangladesh for their lives.
killing an estimate of 24,000 people
Our expert teams are on the ground in Cox’s Bazar, providing vital food aid.
For someone who might be concerned for family back in Myanmar, worried for their future and anxious about the present, your Rohingya charity is helping them breathe easier, knowing that at least they can put food in the bellies of their children.
You can give a vulnerable refugee a lifeline, by making a simple donation to our Rohingya appeal.
With your help, we are proud to have delivered over 5700 nutritious food parcels to Rohingya refugees. However, the situation is serious. We are working to support more of the most vulnerable Rohingya refugees with food aid, but we need your help to reach more people in need.
Our 100% donation policy means that every penny you donate is used in the delivery of humanitarian projects and directly related costs. Indirect and administrative costs are covered by either direct donations themselves or by using Gift Aid.
Our 100% donation policy means that every penny you donate is used for serving those in need, not administrative nor overhead costs. Read more