100% of your Donation
Will Save Someones Sight

Your donations have helped thousands live a better life. Enabling children to study, adults to work and provide for their families.

The Facts :
people screened

Children for refractive error and adults for cataracts, presbyopia and ocular motility.

received medication

To cure infections that could have lead to sight loss.

cataract operations

A simple cataract operation can save sight.

Adult Reading glasses

Helping to keep people in jobs and function fully.

Childrens Reading Glasses

Giving sight to a child who can study, play and grow being able to see properly.

Just £60 can make a life changing difference by providing necessary eye care operations to restore sight.

Our eye care programme is giving thousands of people the gift of sight. It’s enabling children to continue with their education, parents to provide for their family, and individuals to integrate into their communities.

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SKT Welfare eye camps screen patients for cataracts, presbyopia and ocular motility, in addition to screening children for refractive error. We also treat eye infections, provide prescriptions and spectacles. When needed we perform surgical procedures for those with correctible problems. We use professional doctors and optometrists to screen and perform operations.

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Our 100% donation policy means that every penny you donate is used for serving those in need, not administrative nor overhead costs. Read more
